Forages for pigs
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Forages for Pigs: Nutritional, Physiological and
Practical Implications;
B Ogle
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Forages as
protein sources for pigs in the tropics;
T R Preston
3 |
Genetic and nutritional diversity of
sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas), water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica)
and water hyacinth (Echhornia crassipes) and their potential as pig feed
in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam;
Le Thi Men
4 |
The effect of substituting a basal diet
for growing pigs with fresh forages on apparent digestibility and nitrogen
retention; Nguyen Nhat Xuan Dung, Luu Huu Manh, Truong van Phuoc,
Peter Udén and Brian Ogle
5 |
Effect of water spinach and fresh cassava leaves on growth performance of pigs fed a basal diet of broken rice; Chhay Ty
and T R Preston
6 |
Effect of different ratios of water
spinach and fresh cassava leaves on growth of pigs fed basal diets
of broken rice or mixture of rice bran and cassava root
meal; Chhay Ty and T R Preston
7 |
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Ensiling leaves of Taro (Colocasia esculenta) with
sugar cane molasses; Malavan Chittavong, T R Preston and R B Ogle
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New Cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolium) leaves as partial
replacement for soya bean meal in sugar cane juice diets for growing pigs; Lylian Rodríguez, Deibys
J Lopez, T R Preston and K Peters
10 |
The effects of simple processing methods
of cassava leaves on HCN content, intake and performance by growing pigs; Du
Thanh Hang, N. Q. Linh, T R Preston, H. Everts and A. C. Beynen
11 |
Study on the use of
Alocasia macrorrhiza (roots and leaves) in diets for crossbred growing
pigs under mountainous village conditions in northern Vietnam;
Pham Sy Tiep, Nguyen Van Luc, Trinh Quang Tuyen, Nguyen Manh Hung and Tran Van
12 |
Agricultural potential and utilization of water hyacinth
(Eichhornia crassipes) as forage for fattening pigs in
the Mekong delta of Vietnam; Nguyen Ba Trung
13 |
The use of ensiled cassava leaves for on farm
pigs feeding in central Vietnam; Nguyen Thi Hoa Ly,
14 |
The use and potential of supplementing village pigs
with Stylosanthes guianensis in Lao PDR; Phonepaseuth Phengsavanh and Werner Stür
15 |
Nitrogen balance studies in pigs fed sugar cane juice and
fresh leaves of
New Cocoyam (Xanthosoma sagittifolium); Lylian Rodríguez,
Irina Irina Peniche and T R Preston
16 |
Effects on sow reproduction and piglet
performance of replacing soybean meal by a mixture of sweet
potato leaves, water spinach and fresh cassava foliage in the
gestation and lactation diets of Mong Cai and Yorkshire sows. Hoang Nghia Duyet, Truong Thi Thuan and Nguyen Duc Son
17 |
Pigs familiar with duckweed readily accept
another unfamiliar green feed, Leucaena leucocephala. Dam Van Tien |
Forages for rabbits
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Digestion in the rabbit -a new look at the effects of their
feeding and digestive strategies; R A Leng
19 |
Effect of offering leaves or stems of water spinach
on patterns of eating, consumption of caecotropes and
excretion of faeces by growing rabbits; Pok Samkol, T R Preston
and R A Leng
20 |
Effect of supplementation level of water spinach (Ipomoea
aquatica) leaves in diets based on para grass (Brachiaria mutica) on intake,
nutrient utilization, growth rate and economic returns of crossbred rabbits in
the Mekong Delta of Vietnam; Nguyen Thi Kim Dong, Nguyen Van Thu,
R B Ogle and T R
21 |
Effect of dietary protein supply on the reproductive performance of
crossbred rabbits; Nguyen Thi Kim Dong, Nguyen Van Thu and T R
22 |
Effect on feed intake and
growth of depriving rabbits access to caecotrophes; Chiv Phiny and Lampheuy Kaensombath
23 |
Effect of Guinea grass on feed intake, digestibility and growth performance
of rabbits fed a molasses block and either water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica)
or potato (Ipomoea batatas
L) vines; Doan Thi Gang, Khuc Thi Hue, Dinh Van Binh and Nguyen Thi Mui |
Growing protein-rich forages
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The use of different levels of effluent from plastic
biodigester loaded with pig manure for mulberry (Morus
alba) tree growth; Chiv Phiny, Khieu Borin and Chhay Ty,
CelAgrid, Camboda
25 |
Effect of increasing area of cassava (Manihot
esculenta Crantz) relative to Flemingia (Flemingia
macrophylla) on biomass yield, soil fertility and soil
erosion; Ngo Tien Dzung and T R Preston