MEKARN Regional Conference 2007: Matching Livestock Systems with Available Resources |
The performance of growing rabbits fed Ruzi grass, head lettuce residue, Mimosa pigra and water spinach was studied in an experiment using 64 rabbits of 2 breeds, New Zealand White and a crossbred between New Zealand White and native breed, and 2 sexes.
The growth experiment was a 4x2x2 factorial completely randomized design with 3 factors, foliage, breed and sex, and with 4 replications. The rabbits had an average initial weight of 668 g and were about 6 weeks old. They were housed in individual pens and allotted randomly to the treatments. The foliages were fed ad libitum and a basal diet of a commercial concentrate for growing pigs was fed at a restricted level of 2% of body weight on dry matter (DM) basis. In the digestibility experiment the rabbits, 4 per treatment and males only, were fed the same foliages as in the growth experiment but without concentrate.
There were significant differences (P<0.001) in final weight, daily weight gain, total feed intake and feed conversion ratio. Daily weight gain was significantly lower in the group fed Ruzi grass, 14.8 g/day compared to 17.6 g, 18.5 and 18.4 g/day for head lettuce, Mimosa pigra and water spinach, respectively. Feed intake and feed conversion ratio was lowest for the rabbits fed water spinach, 66 g DM/day and 3.6 kg DM/kg live weight, respectively. The New Zealand White breed had a significantly higher daily gain than the crossbred rabbits (P<0.05), 18.0 and 16.7 g/day, respectively. There were no significant differences due to sex.
The digestibility coefficients (%) of DM, organic matter, crude protein, crude fiber, neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber were significantly lower (P<0.001) in the rabbits fed Ruzi grass. Breed had no influence on digestibility.
In conclusion, the rabbits fed head lettuce residue, Mimosa pigra and water spinach as a forage had higher growth rate and digestibility coefficients than the rabbits fed Ruzi grass.
Raising of rabbits has started to play an increasingly important role for small farmers in the mountainous areas around Chiang Mai in the northern part of Thailand. Rabbits have potential as a meat producing animal in the tropics due to the characteristics such as small body size, short generation interval, rapid growth rate and ability to utilise forages or agricultural by-products. Mikled (2005) reported that the waste products from product grading before selling to the market, such as vegetables wastes, are well utilized as feed resources for livestock, for example for cattle, pigs, goats and rabbits, and the manure from the animals could be utilized as an organic fertilizer for crops. Production systems with small or large ruminants usually need a long time to give a saleable product and with high cost, especially for feeds. Rabbits have a number of characteristics that make them particularly suitable as meat-producing animals, especially when compared to other herbivores. Rabbits could contribute significantly to solving the problem of meat shortage (Taylor 1980; Lebas 1983). Ruiz-Feria (1998) reported that rabbits can subsist on inexpensive diets based on forages under small-scale farm conditions in arid and tropical regions. Agricultural by-products, foliages and weeds such as sugar cane, cassava root meal, rice bran, natural grasses and Leucaena can be used as dietary ingredients for rabbits (Lukefahr and Cheeke 1991; Ha et al 1996; Ruiz-Feria 1998). Delgado et al. (1999) reported that the demand for human food from animal products (meat, eggs and milk) is continually increasing. The consumers of today pay great attention to the health aspects of food, such as low fat content and organic origin. Meat from rabbits has a low cholesterol level, high protein/energy ratio and is relatively rich in essential fatty acids (Iraqi 2003).
Head lettuce (Lactuca sativa) is a vegetable commonly grown by upland farmers in northern Thailand. The residue from head lettuce after grading is a vegetable waste generally found in the project areas.
Mimosa (Mimosa pigra) is a weed that is spread by seeds over many areas in South East Asia. Vearasilp et al. (1981) reported a potential use of mimosa as a livestock feed resource with relatively high protein content, 200 g crude protein (CP)/kg dry matter (DM). Some farmers are already using mimosa as a forage for rabbits in the upland areas. No negative effects were noted in tests run on this thorny plant in Thailand (FAO 1997). Still, there have been no investigations on the most appropriate use of mimosa as a feed source for rabbits.
Water spinach (Ipomea aquatica) is an aquatic plant cultivated for human food and used for pigs and other animals in Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Laos. The fresh leaves and stems of water spinach have a CP content of between 200 g and 310 g/kg DM (Men et al 2000). Water spinach can be fed as a basal diet to rabbits (Phimmasan et al 2004; Samkol 2005; Pathoummalangsy 2005) and appears to have a high potential as a forage source for rabbits (Phimmasan 2003).
Ruzi grass (Brachiaria ruziziensis) has been promoted as a good grass for improving pastures for cattle in Thailand, and is also present in many pastures in the mountainous areas. According to a report from FAO (1990) this grass can tolerate drought and can grow at altitudes from 100 m up to 1,200 m. The protein content at 45 days of age is reported to be about 75 g CP/kg DM (Narmsilee et al 2003).
The objective of the study was to evaluate the effect of feeding
head lettuce (Lactuca sativa) residue, mimosa (Mimosa
pigra), water spinach (Ipomoea aquatica) and Ruzi grass
(Brachiaria ruziziensis) on growth performance, feed intake
and digestibility in rabbits.
The experiment was conducted at the Demonstration Farm of the Royal Project Foundation, Chiang Mai, Thailand. The climate in this area is tropical monsoon, with a wet season from May to October and a dry season from November to April. Average rainfall during the experiment was around 875 mm and the temperature was about 31oC in the day time and 23oC at night. The experiment started in late June and finished in October 2006.
The animals used in the experiment were weaned rabbits of about 6 weeks of age with an average body weight (BW) of 668 (SD=16.5) g.
The rabbit breeds used were pure New Zealand White (NZW) and crossbreds between native rabbits and New Zealand White (NN). There were 32 animals of each breed and equal numbers of males and females. The rabbits were confined in individual cages made from metal net with the size 50x70x60 cm. Before the start of the experiment the rabbits were dewormed using Ivermectin injection, 0.1 ml/kg BW. Four male rabbits from each treatment in the growth experiment were selected when the growth experiment was finished and used in the digestibility experiment.
A commercial feed for growing pigs from 30 kg to 60 kg was used as the basal diet in the growth experiment. The CP content was about 160 g/kg DM. Major ingredients in the commercial concentrate feed were maize and rice bran as energy sources and soybean meal and fishmeal as protein sources. The concentrate was fed at a level of 2% (in DM) of BW. The concentrate was bought from a feed shop around 10 kilometres from the farm.
The foliages used in the experiment were Ruzi grass, head lettuce residue, Mimosa pigra and water spinach. Head lettuce residue was collected every day from the packing house of the Royal Project Foundation, which is close to the farm. Before being offered the head lettuce residue was air-dried for about 10-12 hours. Mimosa pigra was collected from the fields around the farm and cut approximately 15 cm from the top, (leaves and stem included), and the leaves from the part >15 cm from the top were also included. Ruzi grass was planted in the farm and was harvested at 45-60 days of age. Mimosa pigra and Ruzi grass were harvested once per day at about 17.00 h. Water spinach was bought fresh every day from a market around 15 kilometres from the farm.
The foliages were hung in the cage and offered ad libitum at a level of 120% of the average individual intake the previous week. Clean water was available at all times.
The diets were fed twice daily at about 7.00 h and 16.00 h with
50% of the feed at each occasion. The head lettuce residue was fed
3 times a day at about 7.00 h, 12.00 h and 17.00 h to increase the
level of offer and feed intake because the head lettuce residue had
very low DM content and fermented quickly if offered in large
amounts at the same time.
In the digestibility experiment the rabbits continued on the same treatment and were fed the same foliages as in the growth experiment, but without concentrate.
The experimental design of the growth experiment was a CRD with
3 factors, 4 kinds of foliage, 2 breeds of rabbit and 2 sexes . The
experiment had 16 treatments and 4 replicates.
The treatments were:
T1 to T4: Ruzi grass (ad libitum) + concentrate feed at 2% DM of BW with 2 breeds (New Zealand White (NZW) and crossbred (NN)and sexes of rabbits (male (M) and female (F)) (control).
T5 to T8: Head lettuce residue (ad libitum) + concentrate feed at 2% DM of BW, with 2 breeds and sexes of rabbit.
T9 to T12: Mimosa pigra (ad libitum) + concentrate feed at 2% DM of BW with 2 breeds and sexes of rabbit.
T13 to T16: Water spinach (ad libitum) + concentrate feed at 2% DM of BW with 2 breeds and sexes of rabbit.
The experimental design in the digestibility experiment was a CRD with 2 factors: 4 kinds of foliage and 2 breeds and 4 replicates. The digestibility experiment had 8 treatments.
The rabbits in the growth experiment were weighed at the beginning of the experiment and then every 7 days, always in the morning before feeding. Feed offered and refused was weighed every day to calculate feed intake and determine feed conversion ratio from DM intake. The feeds and feed residues were sampled every day for analysing the chemical composition. Foliages in the field were sampled every 3 days to analyse DM.
In the digestibility experiment feed offered and feed residues were weighed and recorded every day. Faeces were collected every day. Feed, hair or other contaminations were removed from the faeces. The samples were kept in plastic bags in a freezer until analysed.
The feed, feed residues and faeces were analysed for DM, ash, N,
ether extract (EE) and crude fiber (CF) according to AOAC (2000).
Neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) was
analysed according to Van Soest and Robertson (1985). The gross
energy in the samples was measured by a Bomb calorimeter.
Digestible energy (DE) for the concentrate and metabolisable energy
(ME) for the foliages and concentrate was estimated according to
Noblet and Perez (1993) as mentioned by NRC (1998). DE = 4,151 -
(122 x % Ash) + (23 x % CP) + (38 x % EE) - (64 x % CF). ME = DE x
(1.003 - (0.0021 x % CP))
The data were analysed using the ANOVA GLM option of the Minitab
version 14.12 software (Minitab 2004). Sources of variation were
animals (breed and sex), feeding method (different foliages) and
error. The means were compared using Tukey's pairwise comparison
test. The statistical model for the growth experiment was:
Yijkl = m + Ti + Bj +
Sk + βWI + eijkl where
Ti= treatment, Bj= breed and Sk=
sex. All interactions were tested and included in the model if they
were significant. Initial weight (Wi) was used as a
covariate in the model.
The model for the digestibility experiment was the same as for the growth experiment, but since all animals were male, sex was not included.
The chemical composition of the experimental feeds is shown in Tables 1 and 2 for the growth trial and the digestibility trial, respectively. Water spinach, head lettuce residue and Mimosa pigra had a high protein content of 252 g, 188 g and 177 g CP/kg DM, respectively. Ruzi grass had a low protein content of 89 g/kg DM. Both head lettuce residue and water spinach had low DM and fiber contents. The gross energy of the experimental feeds was 14.7 MJ, 15.8 MJ, 17.1 MJ, 19.6 MJ and 19.4 MJ/kg DM for water spinach, head lettuce residue, Ruzi grass, Mimosa pigra and concentrate, respectively.
Chemical composition of the feeds used in the digestibility experiment was similar to the feeds in the growth trial.
Table 1. Chemical composition of the experimental feeds in the growth experiment (means and SD) |
RG |
HL |
MP |
WS |
Con |
Number of samples |
5 |
5 |
5 |
5 |
3 |
DM, g / kg |
174(6.6) |
39(3.9) |
363(31.1) |
62(5.9) |
894(0.4) |
In g/kg DM |
OM |
899(9.3) |
884(9.1) |
923(0.9) |
881(7.6) |
908(0.2) |
Ash |
101(9.3) |
115(9.5) |
77(0.9) |
119(7.6) |
92(0.2) |
CP |
89(10.0) |
188(12.7) |
177(8.4) |
252(38.6) |
136(0.3) |
EE |
40(0.4) |
45(2.9) |
34(3.6) |
41(1.0) |
66(2.1) |
CF |
266(31.4) |
127(2.2) |
220(18.5) |
126(6.3) |
54(0.4) |
GE,MJ/kg DM |
17.1(0.5) |
15.8(0.5) |
19.6(0.9) |
14.7(0.5) |
19.4(0.4) |
RG=Ruzi grass; HL= Head
lettuce residue; MP=Mimosa pigra; WS=Water spinach |
Table 2. Chemical composition of foliages in the digestibility experiment (mean and SD) |
Ruzi grass |
Head lettuce |
Mimosa pigra |
Water spinach |
Number of samples |
3 |
3 |
3 |
3 |
DM, g / kg |
183 (0.6) |
40 (1.2) |
347 (1.0) |
63 (2.3) |
In g/kg DM |
OM |
893 (5.2) |
881 (3.0) |
924 (1.2) |
879 (6.0) |
Ash |
107(5.2) |
119 (3.0) |
76 (1.2) |
121 (6.0) |
CP |
89 (7.4) |
190 (17.3) |
178 (5.0) |
284 (5.1) |
EE |
40 (0.6) |
44 (1.2) |
34 (2.0) |
42 (1.0) |
CF |
296 (8.0) |
126 (1.2) |
231 (10.0) |
123 (5.2) |
628 (2.5) |
251 (3.5) |
500 (5.5) |
322 (3.5) |
424 (6.0) |
224 (7.1) |
339 (7.0) |
263 (5.0) |
GE,MJ/kg DM |
17.1(0.5) |
15.8(0.5) |
19.6(0.9) |
14.7(0.5) |
Number of samples of head lettuce and Mimosa pigra for ADF and NDF were
5 |
Effects of foliage, breed and sex on feed intake are shown in Table 3. Foliage had a significant effect on daily feed intake and daily weight gain, more important than the effects of breed and sex. Total DM intake for the groups fed Mimosa pigra and head lettuce residue, 96 g and 81 g/day, respectively, was higher than for the groups fed Ruzi grass or water spinach, 70 g and 66 g/day, respectively (P<0.001). The rabbits fed water spinach had the significantly lowest DM intake expressed in g/W0.75 and the highest DM intake was in the group fed Mimosa pigra. The DE intake was higher for the animals fed Mimosa pigra and head lettuce residue than for the animals fed water spinach and Ruzi grass, 1.2 MJ, 1.0 MJ, 0.8 MJ and 0.7 MJ DE/day, respectively, corresponding to 1.1 MJ, 0.9 MJ, 0.7 MJ and 0.7 MJ ME/day, respectively.
Table 3. Effect of foliages, breed and sex on feed intake. |
Feed intake, g DM/day |
DM intake |
Energy intake, MJ/day |
Fol |
Conc |
Total |
% of BW |
g/kg W0.75 |
DE |
ME |
Foliage (F) |
RG |
42a |
28a |
70ac |
5.2a |
55a |
0.7a |
0.7a |
HL |
49a |
32b |
81a |
5.3a |
58a |
1.0b |
0.9b |
MP |
63b |
33b |
96b |
6.2b |
68b |
1.2c |
1.1c |
WS |
34c |
33b |
66c |
4.4c |
48c |
0.8a |
0.7a |
Sex (S) |
Female |
48 |
31 |
80 |
5.3 |
58 |
0.9 |
0.9 |
Male |
46 |
31 |
77 |
5.2 |
57 |
0.9 |
0.8 |
Breed (B) |
47 |
32 |
79 |
5.2 |
57 |
0.9 |
0.9 |
NN |
47 |
30 |
77 |
5.3 |
58 |
0.9 |
0.8 |
SE |
4.5 |
0.9 |
4.9 |
0.3 |
3.3 |
0.04 |
0.03 |
Significance level |
F |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
B |
NS |
* |
NS |
NS |
NS |
NS |
NS |
F*S*B |
NS |
NS |
NS |
NS |
NS |
NS |
NS |
a,b,c Means within foliage, sex or breed in a column with different superscripts are significantly different (P<0.05) *P<0.05; ** P<0.01; *** P<0.001; NS: Non-significant RG=Ruzi grass; HL=Head lettuce residue; MP=Mimosa pigra; WS=Water spinach; NZW=New Zealand White; NN=Crossbred between New Zealand White and Native breed; Fol=Foliages; Conc=Concentrate |
The protein and fiber intake are presented in Table 4. Total CP
intake was significantly highest in the group fed Mimosa
pigra, 15.6 g/day, and lowest in the group fed Ruzi grass, 7.7
g/day. The groups fed water spinach and head lettuce residue had
low fiber intakes, 6.0 g and 8.0 g/day, respectively (P<0.001).
There were no significant differences in total DM, DE, ME, CP and
fiber intake due to breed or sex and no interactions between
foliages, breed and sex. However, the concentrate intake was
significantly higher for the NZW breed than for the crossbred
rabbits, 32 g and 30 g/day, respectively.
The differences in intake of the foliages resulted in significant differences in foliage/concentrate ratio of DM intake for the diets, 1.0, 1.5, 1.6 and 1.9 for the rabbits fed water spinach, Ruzi grass, head lettuce residue and Mimosa pigra, respectively (Table 4). The foliages/concentrate ratio for CP intake was significantly highest in the group fed Mimosa pigra (2.5) and lowest in the group fed Ruzi grass (1.0). The group fed water spinach and head lettuce residue had lower foliages/concentrate ratio for fiber intake than the group fed Ruzi grass and Mimosa pigra, 2.2, 3.7, 7.5 and 7.9, respectively (P<0.001). Since the NZW rabbits consumed more concentrate than the crossbred rabbits, intake of CP and fiber from concentrate was higher for the NZW rabbits. There were interactions between foliages, breed and sex for foliage intake from fiber and foliage/concentrate ratio for fiber intake (P<0.05).
Table 4. Effect of foliages, breed and sex on protein and fiber intake |
DM intake Fol/Con |
Protein intake,g/day |
Fiber intake,g/day |
Total |
Fol |
Con |
Fol/Con |
Total |
Fol |
Con |
Fol/Con |
Foliage(F) |
RG |
1.5a |
7.7a |
3.9a |
3.8a |
1.0a |
14.4a |
11.2a |
1.5a |
7.5a |
HL |
1.6a |
13.7b |
9.4b |
4.3b |
2.2b |
8.0b |
6.2b |
1.7b |
3.7b |
MP |
1.9b |
15.6c |
11.1c |
4.5b |
2.5b |
17.1c |
13.9c |
1.8b |
7.9a |
WS |
1.0c |
12.6b |
8.1b |
4.5b |
1.8c |
6.0d |
4.0d |
1.8b |
2.2c |
Sex (S) |
Female |
1.5 |
12.6 |
8.4 |
4.3 |
1.9 |
11.7 |
9.1 |
1.7 |
5.5 |
Male |
1.5 |
12.1 |
7.9 |
4.2 |
1.8 |
11.1 |
8.5 |
1.7 |
5.2 |
Breed(B) |
1.5 |
12.6 |
8.3 |
4.3 |
1.9 |
11.5 |
8.9 |
1.7 |
5.3 |
NN |
1.5 |
12.1 |
8.0 |
4.2 |
1.9 |
11.3 |
8.8 |
1.6 |
5.4 |
SE |
0.1 |
0.9 |
0.8 |
0.1 |
0.2 |
1.0 |
0.9 |
0.1 |
0.6 |
Significance level |
F |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
B |
NS |
NS |
NS |
** |
NS |
NS |
NS |
** |
NS |
F*S*B |
NS |
NS |
NS |
NS |
NS |
NS |
* |
NS |
* |
a,b,c Means within foliage, sex or breed in a column with different superscripts are significantly different (P<0.05) *P<0.05; ** P<0.01; *** P<0.001; NS: Non-significant RG=Ruzi grass; HL= Head lettuce residue; MP=Mimosa pigra; WS=Water spinach Con=Concentrate. |
Breed had no significant effect on digestibility. There was a significant interaction between foliages and breed for CF, NDF and ADF digestibility.
Table 5. Effects of foliages and breed on the digestibility coefficient (%) in rabbits (Digestibility trial) | ||||||||
DM |
OM |
GE |
CP |
EE |
CF |
Foliage (F) |
RG |
48.7a |
52.4a |
45.6a |
52.4a |
51.7a |
30.7a |
40.3a |
41.9a |
HL |
79.3b |
81.6b |
74.3b |
80.0b |
64.0b |
59.4b |
57.8b |
63.6b |
MP |
57.6c |
61.0c |
60.7c |
50.6a |
38.2c |
45.7c |
42.6a |
39.3a |
WS |
72.6d |
75.4d |
65.8c |
76.7b |
36.8c |
55.8b |
67.1c |
67.8b |
SE |
1.3 |
1.2 |
1.5 |
1.2 |
2.2 |
1.8 |
1.6 |
1.8 |
Breed (B) |
64.4 |
67.8 |
60.9 |
64.3 |
46.8 |
47.2 |
51.0 |
53.3 |
NN |
64.7 |
67.5 |
62.3 |
65.5 |
48.5 |
48.5 |
52.9 |
53.0 |
SE |
0.9 |
0.9 |
1.0 |
0.9 |
1.5 |
1.3 |
1.1 |
1.3 |
Foliage * Breed |
49.9 |
51.4 |
43.7 |
52.0 |
51.6 |
30.6a |
41.6ad |
42.9a |
47.5 |
53.3 |
47.2 |
52.9 |
51.8 |
30.8a |
39.0a |
41.0a |
77.0 |
83.8 |
71.3 |
77.6 |
61.7 |
53.6bcde |
50.0d |
56.1be |
81.6 |
79.3 |
77.4 |
82.4 |
66.4 |
65.1bd |
65.7bc |
71.0cde |
57.2 |
61.4 |
63.1 |
50.2 |
37.3 |
45.2ce |
42.3ad |
41.6a |
58.1 |
60.7 |
58.4 |
51.0 |
39.2 |
46.1ce |
42.9ad |
37.0a |
73.6 |
74.4 |
65.3 |
77.6 |
36.8 |
59.4de |
70.2c |
72.4de |
71.5 |
76.5 |
66.3 |
75.9 |
36.8 |
52.2e |
64.1c |
63.1e |
SE |
1.9 |
1.7 |
2.1 |
1.8 |
3.1 |
2.6 |
2.3 |
2.5 |
Significance level |
F |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
*** |
B |
NS |
NS |
NS |
NS |
NS |
NS |
NS |
NS |
F*B |
NS |
NS |
NS |
NS |
NS |
** |
*** |
*** |
a,b,c Means within foliage, sex or breed in a column with different superscripts are significantly different (P<0.05) *P<0.05; ** P<0.01; *** P<0.001; NS: Non-significant. |
The rabbits consuming Mimosa pigra, water spinach and head lettuce residue had significantly higher final weight and daily gain than the rabbits fed Ruzi grass (Table 6). The daily weight gain was highest in the group fed Mimosa pigra followed by water spinach and head lettuce residue, 18.5 g, 18.4 g and 17.6 g/day, respectively, but there was no significant difference between these three diets. The lowest FCR was found in the group fed water spinach, 3.6 g DM/g LWG, and the highest in the group fed Mimosa pigra, 5.2 g DM/g LWG (P<0.001). The NZW breed had higher final weight and daily gain than the NN breed (P<0.05). There was an interaction between foliages, breed and sex for FCR (P<0.05). Sex had no significant effect on growth rate and FCR.
Table 6. Effect of foliages, breed and sex on growth performance |
Live weight, g |
FCR, |
Initial weight |
Final weight |
Daily gain |
Foliage (F) |
RG |
652 |
2103a |
14.8a |
4.8ab |
HL |
689 |
2418b |
17.6b |
4.6a |
MP |
671 |
2488b |
18.5b |
5.2b |
WS |
659 |
2465b |
18.4b |
3.6c |
Sex (S) |
Female |
679 |
2379 |
17.4 |
4.7 |
Male |
660 |
2357 |
17.4 |
4.4 |
Breed (B) |
663 |
2425 |
18.0 |
4.4 |
NN |
673 |
2312 |
16.7 |
4.7 |
SE |
25.4 |
91.7 |
1.0 |
0.3 |
Significance level |
F |
NS |
*** |
*** |
*** |
B |
NS |
* |
* |
NS |
F*S*B |
NS |
NS |
NS |
* |
a,b,c Means within foliage, sex or breed in a column with different superscripts are significantly different (P<0.05) *P<0.05; ** P<0.01; *** P<0.001; NS: Non-significant RG=Ruzi grass; HL= Head lettuce residue; MP=Mimosa pigra; WS=Water spinach; NZW=New Zealand White; NN=Crossbred between New Zealand White and Native breed; FCR=Feed conversion ratio= g feed per g live weight gain. |
Head lettuce residue and water spinach, both also used as vegetables for human consumption, had a very high water content, and DM content was only about 40 g and 62 g/kg, respectively. Many different vegetables or vegetables residues have been shown to have low DM content e.g. cabbage residues (37 g to 102 g DM/kg), as reported by Ngu (2001) and sweet potato vines (119 g DM/kg), according to Vo Lam and Ledin (2005). Also the fiber content of head lettuce residue and water spinach was low, 127 g and 126 g/kg DM, respectively, compared to some other vegetable varieties such as cabbage and cauliflower, 186 g and 119 g/kg DM, respectively (Gupta et al 1993). The CP content was high in the water spinach, 252 g/kg DM compared to 232 g and 256 g/kg DM, reported by Gang et al. (2006) and Chhay and Preston (2006), respectively. The CP concentration of head lettuce in the present study was similar to the data from Wikipedia Foundation (2007), reporting about 40 g CP/kg DM and 96% water content.
Low DM and poor fiber content in head lettuce residue and water spinach may be negative factors leading to a risk of fiber deficiency. It is not clear what the minimum fiber intake for prevention of diarrhoea in rabbits should be. Research reports from Blas et al. (1994) and Gidenne and Jehl (2000) examining the effect of low fiber diets to rabbits, showed that a sharp decrease in fiber level from 19% to 9% in the diet doubled the risk of digestive trouble. The population of cellulolytic bacteria decreased in the caecum, and the microbial ecology system in the caecum became unbalanced, which may cause death from diarrhoea. In this study the fiber intake was 8.0 g and 6.0 g/day compared to the fiber requirements in growing rabbits at 4 to 12 weeks of age of about 11.2 g/kg BW/day (the data adapted from Table 22 in Chapter 2, FAO 1997). The requirements were almost twice the fiber intake in this study, but all the experimental rabbits survived and there was no mortality during the experiment. Bennegadi et al. (2001) reported that the direct effect of a fiber reduction is a slowing down of digesta transit, corresponding mainly to a longer retention time in the caecum and an increased fermentation rate of feed particles. The digestibility coefficient of fiber in the vegetables was higher than for the other two foliages which can be a consequence of longer retention time of feed particles in the caecum, or that the fiber was of a different quality.
For Mimosa pigra the present results were similar to those of Nguyen Thi Thu Hong and Vo Ai Quac (2005) who reported that the DM, OM, CP, NDF and ADF content of Mimosa pigra was 360 g, 928 g, 207 g, 534 g and 379 g/kg DM, respectively. The nutritive value of Ruzi grass in this study was in agreement with Narmsilee et al. (2003) showing 75 g, 829 g, 308 g, 644 g and 463 g/kg DM for CP, OM, CF, NDF and ADF content, respectively.
There was a relationship between CP intake and daily weight gain (Figure 1) but the relation was not strong (R2=0.36, P<0.001).
![]() |
Figure 1. The effect of protein intake on daily weight gain |
Obviously there was an individual variation in response to CP
intake and there were other factors, like foliage and breed,
affecting growth. The rabbits fed the foliages with high protein
content, water spinach, head lettuce residue and Mimosa
pigra, had significantly higher weight gain than the rabbits
fed Ruzi grass. The daily gain of the group offered water spinach
was 18.4 g/d compared to 14.0 g/d for the rabbits fed water spinach
ad libitum as a sole feed (Samkol 2005) in Cambodia, about
18.1 g/d without broken rice (Phimmasan et al 2004) in Lao, and
31.4 g/d when supplemented with molasses block and concentrate at
2% and 3 % (DM) of BW, respectively, in Vietnam (
The DM intake expressed as g/W0.75 was lower than the values reported from Laos, 66.9 g, 83.3 g and 75.8 g/kg W0.75 for Guinea grass, native grass and Stylo 184, respectively (Phimmasan 2005). Energy intake per day was similar to the values of 1 MJ and 0.8 MJ/day, respectively, for Guinea grass and Spilanthes acmella reported by Phimmasan (2005). However, it was lower than the energy requirement recommended for growing rabbits by NRC (1977) and FAO (1997), 2.5 MJ DE/day. The intakes of the legume foliage and both vegetables were significantly higher than of the Ruzi grass. Phimmasan (2005) reported that legume hay and foliages generally have higher CP content and higher intake than grasses.
The high water content in the vegetable foliages probably
affected intake negatively. The DM content can be improved by
air-drying the foliages before feeding. Arias et al. (2003)
reported that the greatest disadvantage of vegetable wastes used as
feeds is the low DM content, resulting in low DM intake. The DM
intake can also be improved by offering high fiber feeds such as
maize stubble or maize cobs at the same time as the vegetables. Ngu
(2001), using vegetable wastes as feeds for goats, included natural
grass in the experimental feed ration to improve DM intake and
fiber balance in the rumen. The DM intake of rabbits increased
significantly when water spinach or sweet potato wines was offered
together with Guinea grass (Gang et al 2006).
In the present study there were no significant differences in digestibility due to breed, but there was a significant difference in intake of concentrate. The NZW rabbits consumed more concentrate and thereby more CP and fiber than the crossbred rabbits, and also had a higher intake of protein and fiber in foliages, but not significantly so. This resulted in a significantly higher daily gain for the NZW rabbits than for the crossbreds (Figure 2). The higher intakes may explain part of the difference in growth rate, but probably the NZW rabbits, being selected for meat production, are also more efficient in metabolising and using the nutrients for tissue growth. The digestibility of DM of the vegetable foliages was high and comparable to the 71.2 % and 99.1%, respectively, for DM and OM in vitro digestibility of lettuce reported by Arias et al. (2003). The digestibility of DM and CP of water spinach was lower than reported by Gang et al. (2006), 86.1% and 84.7%, respectively, and 80.5%, 80.8% and 80.1% for DM, OM and CP, respectively (Samkol 2005). The legume foliage had lower digestibility than the vegetable foliages but was similar to Ruzi grass. Narmsilee et al. (2003) reported that the digestibility of Ruzi grass for DM, OM and CP was 61%, 67.9% and 46.5%, respectively.
![]() |
Figure 2. Mean values for live weight gain of rabbits fed Ruzi grass, Head lettuce residue, Mimosa pigra or water spinach as supplements to concentrates (NZW = New Zealand White; NN = New Zealand White x native breed) |
Head lettuce residue, Mimosa pigra and water spinach can be fed to growing rabbits as a roughage and will result in a better growth performance as compared to feeding Ruzi grass. Head lettuce residue, Mimosa pigra and water spinach had high protein content but fiber content was low and water content high in head lettuce residue and water spinach. The nutrient digestibility of head lettuce residue and water spinach was higher than for Mimosa pigra and Ruzi grass.
The New Zealand White breed had higher growth rate than the crossbreds, but breed had no effect on digestibility. There was no effect of sex on growth performance or feed intake.
The authors would like to thank the Swedish International
Development Agency/Cooperation with Developing Countries
(Sida/SAREC) for funding this thesis research. Special thanks are
given to the Royal Project Foundation allowing the research to be
conducted at the Demonstration Farm. Thanks are also due to the
Department of Animal Sciences, Chiang Mai University, for the use
of the laboratory to analyse the samples.
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