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Determination of dissolved oxygen
oxygen which is dissolved in water is determined by a portable disolved oxygen
meter (DO meter) from Hanna instruments (HI 8543). The principle of the
determination is based on polarography. The DO meter has a disolved oxygen probe
consisting of a membrane covering the polarographic sensor and a built-in
thermistor for temparature measurements and compensation. Dissolved oxygen can
be estimated in the range of 0.0 to 19.9 mg/l with a resolution of 0.1mg/l and
an accuracy of 0.2 mg/l.
Connect the DOmeter with the DO probe and switch on. Wait about 10 minutes to
the probe has been polarized.
Prepare the electrolyte solution by adding 15 to 20 drops of HI 7041 solution
into 20 ml of distilled water.
Wet the sensor by soaking the bottom of the probe in the dilute electrolyte
solution for 5 minutes.
is done by unscrewing the protective red and black plastic cap. Ensure the
o-ring is properly placed inside the membrane. Rinse the membrane cap with
electrolyte while shaking it gently. Refill with fresh electrolyte. Gently tap
the sides of the membrane with the finger tip to ensure that no air bubbles
remain. To avoid damage, do no tap the membrane directly on the bottom. With the
sensor facing down, firmly screw the membrane cap clock -wise to the end of the
threads. Some electrolyte will overflow.
For slope calibration, rinse the probe throughly (particularly after the zero
calibration) with some water and blot dry in a manner as not to damage the membrane (use
cloth or soft paper). Place the probe in vertical position in air. Wait a few minutes
until the
measurement stabilizes.
Press and hold the red button between the two calibration screws. The
decimal point should disappear
from the display. Using a small screwdriver, turn the slope trimmer until the
display reads 100. Release the red button and the display will show the
saturation value at that ambient temperature. Saturation value is the maximum dissolvable
oxygen value in a liquid at that temperature.
Dissolved oxygen is determined in the samples after slope calibration. All the
measurements are referred to
sea level and zero salinity..
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